If you are looking to get into the art of film photography and don't know where to start or if it has been a few weeks since you picked up your camera and need some inspiration, we've made this guide for you!
This is a collection of our favorite tips to help inspire your film photography. Feel free to pick and choose whichever tips resonate with you most today. Something that may not speak to you right now, can be just the spark you need further down the road.
- Sometimes having too many options can be more difficult than having set guidelines. Make a set of rules for your next roll of film. It could be a geographic limitation (shoot an entire roll in your neighborhood), subject matter (shoot only shadows), or color (shoot yellow objects only).
- Consider everything an experiment.
- Try taking photos every day for a week. During this time shoot more and think less. By letting go of your predetermined ideas about what photography should be, you may discover a side to your photography that you never knew existed!
- Watch a movie or read a book that you wouldn't normally be interested in.
- Nothing is a mistake. There is no winning and losing - there is only making.
- Find a song that you like and then try and transpose the feeling of it into a set of photographs.
- Pick your favorite book and then shoot a new cover photograph for it.
- Always choose to take the picture. Going back to capture something that you saw almost never works. The sun will be different, a car will be parked in the way, etc. Never put off taking the picture!